April 26,2024

The AST Concert on Friday, April 12th was an incredible success! 🎶 From start to finish, the concert ran smoothly, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our student performers. They arrived early for the final rehearsal, and delivered outstanding performances.

A big thank you to everyone who came to watch and cheered for us. Your presence made the event truly special!

We want to give a special shoutout to G12 Theresia Chuang and her Concert Crew for orchestrating such a magnificent event. Your courage and contribution were truly commendable! 🎉

In addition to enjoying a night of music, we're happy to share that we raised $92,184 NTD, which will be donated to the Andrew Food Bank. Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen!


在4月12日星期五舉辦的AST音樂會相當成功!🎶 從開始到結束,音樂會都有條不紊地進行。學生表演者在近月都認真練習,當日也提前到達演奏廳, 進行最後的彩排,並在當晚發揮出色。


本次的音樂會是由學生全權負責, 老師只在旁提供建議與指導。幕後英雄是12年級的Theresia Chuang和她的工作團隊。學生們策劃了如此大型的活動,你們展現出的勇氣和貢獻真讓我們刮目相看!

除了美妙的音樂之夜,門票淨收入與捐款到達新台幣$ 92,184,這筆款項將捐贈給安得烈食物銀行。感謝所有幫助實現這一目標的人! (照片集)